Welcome to Clayton, Your Financial Advisor & Retirement Specialists Page!

We are the Educators
for the Educators!

We Proudly Help to “Educate” the Public Service Markets upon their Retirement & Financial Literacy, Helping YOU to Better Understand YOUR Plan!

Welcome to Clayton, Your Financial Advisor & Retirement Specialists Page!

We are the Educators
for the Educators!

We Proudly Help to “Educate” the Public Service Markets upon their Retirement & Financial Literacy, Helping YOU to Better Understand YOUR Plan!

Welcome to Clayton, Your Financial Advisor & Retirement Specialists Page!

We are the Educators
for the Educators!

We Proudly Help to “Educate” the Public Service Markets upon their Retirement & Financial Literacy, Helping YOU to Better Understand YOUR Plan!

Welcome to Your Financial & Retirement Specialists Page!

Understanding Your Plan Inside & Out!

Click BELOW To Learn More!

How do You “Solve” for Financial Freedom?

While most struggle throughout their lives, living paycheck-to-paycheck (and not really ‘living’ at all), we can help “Educate” you on how to achieve Your “Financial Freedom!” Retirement & Financial ‘literacy’ is the key to success, and without the Education or knowledge, Products alone will always fail! Click below to learn more about there are many “Solutions” and understand how the “Product” should fit the solution! It’s like Golf, regarding the Swing and the Clubs- if you do not have a good swing, even the best clubs won’t help!

How We Help -

You Spend Lots of Time & Money on Your Students,
Why Not Invest in Your Own Self-Literacy?

With the ever increasing work load that District employees are faced with, there is very little
time to research & do what it takes to be successful with your own Retirement & Financial planning…
Well, that’s where WE come in!

Retirements & Financial Literacy

This is a meeting for YOU! I'm here to help "Educate" you upon any and all topics related to 'your' Retirement & Financial literacy. Please see next for some of the areas we will cover, but feel free to bring up any specific areas of need that you might be facing.

  • What is the Projected Income from your Pension between ages 50-70yrs. old?
    Learn Who Can-be & Who Cannot-be your Beneficiary and at what ‘Cost’ does adding one come to you with? What does it mean to be “Vested”?
    Does your Pension provide Life Ins.?
    How do you obtain Health Benefits in Retirement?
    What benefits transfer IN retirement?

What is your Projected Income to be delivered between ages 62-70yrs. old? What are your Beneficiary options available?

When adding both Pension & Social Security Income together, What is Your Retirement Income GAP?
Which Savings or Investment vehicle is most appropriate for you? (403b, IRA, 401k, 457?)
How do they each work (Fixed, Indexed & Variable) and which Company represents which strategy/product?

How do I Protect My Plan/Self most efficient & effectively?
Do I need Long-Term Care, Disability, Critical illness Plans?
Or just a Death Benefit?
How Do I Pay for ALL of this?!

How do I pay off All of my debt most effectively?
How can I afford to SAVE if I cannot pay my Debt first? Student Loans, Credit Cards, Unsecure Loans, etc.
What is best strategy to pay down debt?

Mortgages, Auto/Home Ins., College Saving Strategies, Taxes, Accounting, Wills & Trusts and many other areas of expertise we can help you learn more about! Whether I am licensed directly or have a connection to the best in that specified field, We Have You Covered!

Auto/Home Insurance

Mortgage & Refinance needs

All Calculators -

Would you Like to See your Retirement INCOME
between the ages of 50 thru 70 yrs old from
your Pension & Social Security?

Understand Your Future:  Pension Report & GAP Analysis:
– It helps to start with a better understanding of your Foundations in retirement, which are your Pension & Social Security. Learning how the Pension works & what it will deliver. Better grasp who can be & who cannot be your beneficiaries of your Pension and how much will each get. Determine exactly what your Retirement Income GAP will be. Have a better understanding to Social Security and it’s guidelines and also what it will deliver in retirement. There is a great deal of information important to know about your State Pension & Social Security, Looking forward to sharing the keys to your retirement!

Our Best Experince -

We are the Educators
for the Educators!

Whether you are just starting out in the Education field or have been around awhile to see the times change, we are here to help Educate you upon your Retirement Planning & Financial literacy. We are the “Educators for the Educators”!

Problem Solving

About Me & Our Planning Process -


My team of Retirement Specialists & I help to better educate the Public Service Markets (Teacher’s, Fire, Police & Municipality employees) upon their State Pensions, Social Security & their Retirement benefit plan/plan options.

My team and I are first & foremost, independent Retirement Specialists that focus our educational curriculum around the staff’s foundation in retirement, which is their State Pension & Social Security, not sales or supplemental. When better understanding what their Pension & Social Security deliver, we can accurately determine what their GAP of income will be in the future and then solve for the extra needed as a supplement.. Allowing our agents & advisors to operate from a Vendor-Neutral perspective, we are able represent & educate our clients upon most all the competitive carriers within the Public Service Markets, acting as your Financial Stewards. We educate from an unbiased position, with only the client’s best interest in mind! We also look to service the School District, while acting as a liaison for them, reducing a tremendous workload & liability for their Human Resources/Payroll departments by using powerful technology that helps to encompass all of their Payroll Platforms needs.

Acting as a Regional Director, I train many agents & advisors to perform this type of work.  In this role, I also educate higher-level of folks in the education field, I work with many Superintendents & Business Administrators across the East Coast to help them understand the value of education to their State Pension, Social Security and all these available supplemental options.  I help to pollinate those relationships to help grow our footprint, further exposing our educational model across all 26 states East of the Mississippi River. Several other responsibilities I hold include Agent & Advisor Recruiting, Agent/Advisor Training & Development, Team Management & many other business operation functions.

Our Best Portfolio -

We're ready to share our advice
and experience.

  • All Work

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Education IS Key!

We are Here to Help!

Teacher's Pension Specialists are educated & trained to help!

Our Best Update -

We’re here to share story & more
news from resource library.

Ready to Get Started?!

Contact Us Below!

    Direct Contact

    Please feel free to sign up to receive more information, updates, or to learn more about a product or service.

    Key to Success IS through Education!

    We are Happy to Help Teacher the Public Service Markets!